Hello Dolly

We will be teaching methods of soft sculpture and basic sewing in this class, and campers will head home with a handmade doll they will treasure forever.

CLC Singers

One of our most popular classes! This joyful a capela class is tons of fun and full of music. Campers will work together to arrange songs with harmonies and solos and will participate in the end of session camper show!

Rosie’s Riveters

Build a fire, change a tire, use a drill - these awesome skills are for girls, too. With peers, campers will also discuss relevant and girl-centric issues like bullying, body image, and how to support each other in being the best they can be. Rosie the Riveter is our role model for this class and the girls will come home feeling invincible and full of girl power! (4th grade+)

Knit Whits

A throw back to knitting circles, this class gives campers an opportunity to learn to knit with needles and yarn or to repurpose old t-shirts and other fabrics to create woven works of art.

Spot Light

Come one, come all to the Muse Theater! Our drama class touches on many acting methods including improv, monologues, and short skits, which campers will perform for camp at our Piccadilly show!

Studio 1

This fine art class includes hands-on instruction in drawing/painting techniques while studying a master, such as Warhol and Twombly - as well as introducing a bit of art history in an interactive and exciting way.

Stage Crew

There is action behind the scenes, too...Campers will learn how to design and build sets, make props and costumes for the show, and will develop a marketing plan for opening night. This class is perfect for girls who love the stage but don't necessarily want to be on it!


We've got the beat! Campers in this hip class will learn a variety of dance styles and will even make up some of their very own. Under the guidance of a long time student of ballet, campers will choreograph a special number to perform for the whole camp.

Sporty Girl

This class is for the new or experienced athlete. A chance to learn basics in many team sports such as basketball, kickball, ga-ga, volleyball, and others. Conditioning and stretching are apart of this active class.
In addition to these activities, we offer a different set of Round Robin classes each day which can include:

Additional Activities