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COVID-19 Resources

Creeker Community

We cannot thank you enough for your ongoing support and patience as we’ve adapted to these changing times. Many of our plans were altered due to COVID-19 and we thank you for continuing to be involved in our community as we’ve adjusted our programming and found new ways to connect with you. 

As we continue to move forward in this unconventional environment, our team is hard at work to plan purposeful programming that accommodates the new needs of our campers and their families. From virtual activities available on our YouTube channel, to our new virtual and COVID-friendly team building programs, we are finding new ways to bring the camp spirit to you and provide value to our community.

Explore the page below to see more of our COVID-related content and learn more about some of our new initiatives.  

To learn more about our COVID safety protocols, explore our protocol information packet here.

2021 Summer Camp

We are optimistic as we make plans for 2021 Summer Camp Sessions, our 10th summer being better than ever and more important for our girls than ever!

We know it was hard to spend a summer without a camp reunion last year but we’re gearing up for a wonderful (and safe) summer this year! Our campers and our CLC team are missing camp more than ever, and we're ready to reunite and celebrate our 10th year together. This summer will be better together and better than ever!


  • What do I do if I am already registered?
    To communicate how you would like to participate and support CLC this summer, currently registered campers will need to log into your CampInTouch account to fill out the “Summer 2020 Camp Choices” form by May 22nd in order for us to honor your request. For campers who were not already enrolled in our 2020 season and want to participate in CLC Unique (our virtual camp), they will need to complete an application and select the CLC Unique Week option.
  • What options are available for my payment?
    There are five options available for those who have already registered for a summer session: 1. You can cancel your daughter’s registration and receive a refund (less the non-refundable deposit, as stated in your signed camper application). 2. You can roll your daughter’s registration to 2021 WITH the non-refundable deposit to ensure your daughter’s spot but NOT your current rate. 3. You can roll your daughter’s registration to 2021 WITHOUT the non-refundable deposit to ensure your daughter’s spot AND your current rate. 4. You can credit some of your balance toward CLC Unique, our virtual programming, once pricing is available. 5. You can make a meaningful donation to support CLC Directors who work tirelessly year-round to make Camp Lantern Creek a magical experience for your daughter. You will need to make a choice by May 22nd at 5 pm cst. If you have already completed your form and would like to select a different option, please go back to the original form (which can be found in your camper account under “Forms and Documents”) by Friday, May 22nd at 5 pm cst.
  • Do you have virtual activities planned for this summer?
    We will be launching CLC Unique this summer, a virtual experience that will resemble many of the programs our team was planning for summer sessions. Your daughters can look forward to various educational and fun activities including on-line certification classes, STEM-based programming, performing arts, physical activity, arts and crafts and so much more!
  • When will CLC Unique take place this summer?
    We are still finalizing details, but we anticipate our first Unique “session” kicking off mid-June, when our first session was supposed to begin. CLC Unique sessions will be one week long and we will likely have several Unique sessions throughout the summer. Stay tuned for final dates!
  • Can new campers join the CLC Unique virtual experience this summer?
    Yes! Absolutely, friends are welcome! To participate, campers not already registered will need to complete a Camper Application and select the CLC Unique Week option. Recommended ages 7-17.
  • How can I support the CLC mission this summer?
    We’re so glad you asked! As you know, our team works year-round to ensure your girls are empowered as Creekers. YOU can help us keep our team members empowered, by contributing to our staff during this difficult time and ensuring camp’s future. Simply, select the “Donate” box on your Summer 2020 Camp Choices form. We will contact you via email regarding the amount you have in mind. Another great way to support our mission is to roll over your current registration to summer 2021. Of course, we’d love for your daughter(s) to join us by participating in one or many CLC Unique virtual programs AND by sharing this innovative opportunity with friends far and wide! Because we are virtual, friends can join us from across the country! You can also join us through future multi-day retreats, Mother/Daughter Weekends or leadership programming. Stay tuned for more information. Additionally, you can purchase CLC merchandise from our new online store that will be launching on our website very soon.
  • How did you make your final decision?
    In the process of making a decision, our team developed several contingency plans and took advantage of every resource available to us, including national camp leaders like the American Camping Association, medical professionals, health experts, members of our own team and our parent community. Ultimately, our staff agreed that this decision was not about whether or not we can do camp this summer, but whether or not we can do it well. Limited access to the medical and safety supplies we would need to run camp effectively this summer was a cause for concern for our team. For instance, we knew that finding appropriate masks for staff would be difficult AND if it would be difficult, this protective equipment should really be saved for those who need it most: our first responders. We also did not feel our campers would be able to participate in a meaningful camp experience, per the American Camp Association’s sanitation and cleaning guidelines. The best practices indicated excessive social distancing, campers refraining from touching of any kind (can you imagine no hugs at camp?!), campers wearing masks at all times and more. Given that our camp experience is a communal one, many of the contingency plans would not be available to us. For instance, our bunks are built into our cabins, so we would not be able to space out beds for safety purposes. Our dining hall is a large communal space and the guidelines seem to suggest that this is not best practice and that all meals should be prepackaged, which is not financially or logistically viable for us. Ultimately, in considering all possible contingency plans, we felt that the safest and best decision for our staff, campers, and families was to create programming campers could enjoy from their own homes.
  • How can my daughter in CLC’s Leadership Program continue?
    Your daughter’s leadership potential is extremely important to us. Please be patient as we finalize what our leadership program will look like. If you roll over your 2020 tuition, we can apply it towards the continuation of your daughter’s leadership education. This will likely be a combination of one or several future in-person retreat(s) coupled with virtual programming. The intention of this is to give Leadership campers every opportunity to proceed to the next level for future summers.
  • How do you suggest I talk to my daughter about this summer’s changes?
    We know this decision is just as difficult for you and your daughter(s) as it has been for the CLC team, and sharing this news can be a daunting task. Click here for some helpful advice about how to approach this discussion with your daughter(s). We also created our video so campers and families can hear from the directors they know and love. We hope hearing from our team will help explain the rationale behind the decision, while also providing hope that there will still be a Creeker community this year, even if it looks very different. Our goal still remains to provide emotional, educational, and social support to our Creeker families this summer in every way we can, and we are still here for you all.
How to Wash Your Hands the CLC Way

Wash your hands with Crow, Rook and Turtle! Check out our video to see how you can incorporate one of our favorite camp songs while you practice responsible hygiene. We’re practicing habits that will keep us healthy and safe while we keep the camp spirit alive! We know these times are challenging for everyone so we hope to keep finding joy in the little moments. Teach the people in your home this song so they can join in on the fun!

The CLC team has created coloring pages to get creative with!
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